Contact us
Check-in and Check-out hours at the hotel ?
The room must be vacated by 11:30 AM. However, if you have a special request, please contact the reception, We’ll make our best to find a solution. Upon arrival, you can check-in the room from 14H. If arriving before, we can keep your luggage if the room is not ready yet.
What is the commitment of our hotel?
Quality is our main asset, in fact, we are open continuously since 1985, and we make our best to ensure a quality service for a reasonable price. Our family management policy allows broad flexibility.
How can I pay at the Hôtel de l’Etoile?
We accept cash, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Diners, American Express, JCB and Apple Pay) and ANCV Holiday checks. Please, keep in mind that the credit card provided during the booking process in only to guarantee your reservation. You will set your bill at the hotel with the payment methods above.
What are the plugs available in the hotel?
We use European standard plugs. If needed, we can provide you an adapter
What services available for a baby at hotel de l’Etoile?
We can provide you a baby chair, changing table & baby cot for your baby’s wellbeing.
About our Breakfast
Our breakfast offer: Breakfast is served in the cafeteria near the reception area from 7:00 AM until 10:30 AM. We serve continental breakfast: Hot drink (Coffee, Tea, hot chocolate), orange juice, cereals, Pastries, bread, and accompaniments. The breakfast price is 7.50€, if you want to be serve in the room you will be charged 1€ more. During the day, we also can serve you a hot drink.
Persons with disabilities
Do not hesitate to consult our section especially dedicated to this subject directly via the tab ``Hotel`` (French version of the website) then at the bottom of the page: ``PMR Access``.
Do you have Wifi?
WIFI is free and unlimited for all our customers. We have an ultra high speed fiber connection. The security of the network is ensured by our partner Orange Business.
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